Castel Dû

  • Historical sites and monuments
  • Ruins and remains
  • Listed or registered (CNMHS)
, 22450 Langoat
The medieval enclosure of Kastell Du (literally the Black Castle) is referred to as an ‘earth fort’.
Triangular in shape, 150 metres on each side and over two millennia old, it stands 7 metres high on an 18-metre base, surrounded by a dry moat.
A defensive complex designed to protect the ford and river traffic on the Jaudy, it became a refuge and sheltered a garrison of Charles de Blois in 1347, during the War of the Breton Succession between him and Jean de Monfort, who coveted the...


All year 2025 -


Castel Dû
, 22450 Langoat
Spoken languages
  • French
  • Near a hiking trail : Sentier du Kastel Du
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